CV and Skills

My previous work and research experience as well as skills I have gained.

Education and Awards

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

University of Guelph – Guelph, ON September 2021 – Present

  • Research at the University of Guelph using artificial intelligence for image analysis
  • Awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship ($15,000 over 3 semesters) in 2021 and 2022 (Declined it in 2022)
  • Awarded the NSERC-CGS Doctoral Scholarship ($35,000 a year for 3 years) in 2022
  • Awarded the Tri-Council CEPS Scholarship ($5,000 a year) in 2022
  • Was a Graduate Teaching Assistant for ENGG3390 – Signal Processing

Master of Applied Science in Engineering with Specialization in Artificial Intelligence (MASc+AI)

University of Guelph – Guelph, ON September 2019 – August 2021

  • Research at the University of Guelph using artificial intelligence for the segmentation of neonates’ cerebral ventricles from 3D ultrasound images for clinical and diagnostic purposes
  • First author on “Automatic Deep Learning-Based Segmentation of Neonatal Cerebral Ventricles from 3D Ultrasound Images” in SPIE Medical Imaging Conference 2021
  • Awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship ($15,000 over 3 semesters) and CEPS Graduate Dean’s Scholarship in 2020
  • Was a Graduate Teaching Assistant for ENGG2400 – Engineering Systems Analysis; ENGG3390 – Signal Processing; ENGG4040 – Medical Imaging Modalities; ENGG4660 Medical Image Processing

Bachelor of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering (Co-op)

University of Guelph – Guelph, ON September 2014 – June 2019

  • University of Guelph Board of Governors’ Scholarship – $8,000 over 8 semesters
  • University of Guelph Deans’ Scholarship in 2016, 2017 and 2018 – $2,000 per year
  • Gordon L. Rimmer Scholarship in Rehabilitation Robotics 2018 – $2,000
  • Nominated for W.C. Winegard Medal as a top graduating student in 2019
  • Recipient of the Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education Gold Medal in 2019 for having the highest graduating grade point average in the School of Engineering

Work Experience

Farm Worker

Szentimrey Seeds Ltd. – Branchton, ON June 2008 – Present

  • Collaborated with a team of 5 individuals to maintain a safe and clean workspace by keeping the warehouses, barns and grain elevator clean
  • Analyzed and removed unwanted seed varieties from 300 acres worth of soybean, wheat, barley, and oat seed fields on a yearly basis
  • Assisted in the maintenance of a poultry barn of 16,000 chickens in a fast-paced environment

R&D Hardware Design Verification Associate

LABORIE – Mississauga, ON May 2018 – December 2018

  • Collaborated with fellow co-workers to create and perform software and hardware unit tests using Microsoft Azure DevOps (formally Visual Studio Team Services)
  • Designed equipment to test functional requirements of the new urological devices including the frequency response, maximum pressure capacity and acceleration
  • Produced a standard operating and qualification procedure for a low pulsation peristaltic water pump used in testing instantaneous flow rate measurements
  • Presented the functionality of the new hardware and software to the manufacturing, quality, customer service, and sales team through hands-on demonstrations

Biomedical Engineering Student

Canadian Hospital Specialties Ltd. (CHS) – Oakville, ON January 2017 – August 2017

  • Authored formal performance qualification reports on the tubing products extruded at CHS to verify the extrusion department can continuously produce products within the required tolerances
  • Collaborated with multiple teams including the purchasing, quality assurance, production and marketing departments to develop several new products for potential customers
  • Produced comprehensible working assembly instructions of kits, trays and tubing sets, using CorelDraw, to guarantee the products are consistently manufactured right
  • Effectively analyzed and tested non-conforming and defective products to ensure customer safety and product reliability

Engineering and Documentation Student

Salford Group Inc. – Salford, ON May 2016 – August 2016

  • Designed and manipulated 3D models of farm machinery parts and assemblies, using SolidWorks, to the desired specifications
  • Created assembly and manufacturing drawings of parts and full machines, using SolidWorks and Adobe InDesign, so the manufacturing plant could fabricate and assemble the machines correctly
  • Collaborated with a fellow engineer to construct and perform an experimental test for a new boom deflector on a fertilizer applicator
  • Developed and created bill of materials (BOM) for farm machinery parts using ERP and Infor database software

Summary of Skills

  • Excel, Word, Powerpoint and Azure DevOps
  • Languages Python and MATLAB
  • Tools and Processes such as Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook and Slurm
  • Python packages Tensorflow, Keras API, PyTorch, OpenCV, scikit-image, scikit-learn and Pandas
  • Have a full G driver’s license with air brake Z endorsement, forklift operating license and Standard First Aid with Level C CPR and AED